1) Complexity of any program
2) Tower of Honai problem:
It is very simple: n, A, B, C
a) Toh(n, A, C, B) <=====Move all n from A to C using B
b) Toh(n-1, A, B, C)<=====First we need to move n-1 from A to B using C
At this point of time move nth one to C.
c) Toh(n-1, B, C, A)<======Move n-1 from B to C using A
void Toh(int n, char Beg, char End, char Aux){
if(n >= 1){
Toh(n-1, Beg, Aux, End);
printf("%d Dsik move %c to %c \n", n, Beg, End);
Toh(n-1,Aux, End, Beg);
int main()
int n;
printf("\n Enter The number of disks : ");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("\n ");
Toh(n, 'A', 'C','B');
return (0);
Algorithm Link:
3) Fibonacci series
0,1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, .........
First=0, Second=1, Next=First+second
4) Palindrome number
Example: 5225, 23455432
rem= input%10;
input == sum
5) How to find given number is prime number
6) AVL Tree
AVL trees are often compared with red–black trees because both support the same set of operations and take time for the basic operations. For lookup-intensive applications, AVL trees are faster than red–black trees because they are more strictly balanced
a) /* 1. Perform the normal BST insertion */
b) /* 2. Update height of this ancestor node */
c) /* 3. Get the balance factor of this ancestor
node to check whether this node became
unbalanced */
int balance = getBalance(node);
// If this node becomes unbalanced, then
// there are 4 cases
Basic Insert Part:
struct Node* insert(struct Node* node, int val)
/* 1. Perform the normal BST insertion */
if (node == NULL)
if (val < node->val)
node->left = insert(node->left, val);
else if (val > node->val)
node->right = insert(node->right, val);
else // Equal keys are not allowed in BST
return node;
33 struct Node *rightRotate(struct Node *z)
34 {
35 struct Node *y = z->left;
36 struct Node *T3 = y->right;
38 // Perform rotation
39 y->right = z;
40 z->left = T3;
struct Node *leftRotate(struct Node *z)
54 {
55 struct Node *y = z->right;
56 struct Node *T3 = y->left;
58 // Perform rotation
59 z->right = T3;
60 y->left = z;
70 int getBalance(struct Node *N)
71 {
72 if (N == NULL)
73 return 0;
74 return height(N->left) - height(N->right);
75 }
// Left Left Case
105 if (balance > 1 && val < node->left->val)
106 return rightRotate(node);
108 // Right Right Case
109 if (balance < -1 && val> node->right->val)
110 return leftRotate(node);
112 // Left Right Case
113 if (balance > 1 && val > node->left->val)
114 {
115 node->left = leftRotate(node->left);
116 return rightRotate(node);
117 }
119 // Right Left Case
120 if (balance < -1 && val < node->right->val)
121 {
122 node->right = rightRotate(node->right);
123 return leftRotate(node);
124 }
126 /* return the (unchanged) node pointer */
127 return node;
7) IP-address storeage
Tries or Radix tree or Red-black tree
1) Complexity of any program
2) Tower of Honai problem:
It is very simple: n, A, B, C
a) Toh(n, A, C, B) <=====Move all n from A to C using B
b) Toh(n-1, A, B, C)<=====First we need to move n-1 from A to B using C
At this point of time move nth one to C.
c) Toh(n-1, B, C, A)<======Move n-1 from B to C using A
void Toh(int n, char Beg, char End, char Aux){
if(n >= 1){
Toh(n-1, Beg, Aux, End);
printf("%d Dsik move %c to %c \n", n, Beg, End);
Toh(n-1,Aux, End, Beg);
int main()
int n;
printf("\n Enter The number of disks : ");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("\n ");
Toh(n, 'A', 'C','B');
return (0);
Algorithm Link:
3) Fibonacci series
0,1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, .........
First=0, Second=1, Next=First+second
4) Palindrome number
Example: 5225, 23455432
rem= input%10;
input == sum
5) How to find given number is prime number
6) AVL Tree
AVL trees are often compared with red–black trees because both support the same set of operations and take time for the basic operations. For lookup-intensive applications, AVL trees are faster than red–black trees because they are more strictly balanced
a) /* 1. Perform the normal BST insertion */
b) /* 2. Update height of this ancestor node */
c) /* 3. Get the balance factor of this ancestor
node to check whether this node became
unbalanced */
int balance = getBalance(node);
// If this node becomes unbalanced, then
// there are 4 cases
Basic Insert Part:
struct Node* insert(struct Node* node, int val)
/* 1. Perform the normal BST insertion */
if (node == NULL)
if (val < node->val)
node->left = insert(node->left, val);
else if (val > node->val)
node->right = insert(node->right, val);
else // Equal keys are not allowed in BST
return node;
33 struct Node *rightRotate(struct Node *z)
34 {
35 struct Node *y = z->left;
36 struct Node *T3 = y->right;
38 // Perform rotation
39 y->right = z;
40 z->left = T3;
struct Node *leftRotate(struct Node *z)
54 {
55 struct Node *y = z->right;
56 struct Node *T3 = y->left;
58 // Perform rotation
59 z->right = T3;
60 y->left = z;
70 int getBalance(struct Node *N)
71 {
72 if (N == NULL)
73 return 0;
74 return height(N->left) - height(N->right);
75 }
// Left Left Case
105 if (balance > 1 && val < node->left->val)
106 return rightRotate(node);
108 // Right Right Case
109 if (balance < -1 && val> node->right->val)
110 return leftRotate(node);
112 // Left Right Case
113 if (balance > 1 && val > node->left->val)
114 {
115 node->left = leftRotate(node->left);
116 return rightRotate(node);
117 }
119 // Right Left Case
120 if (balance < -1 && val < node->right->val)
121 {
122 node->right = rightRotate(node->right);
123 return leftRotate(node);
124 }
126 /* return the (unchanged) node pointer */
127 return node;
7) IP-address storeage
Tries or Radix tree or Red-black tree